D.Sc. Antti Moisio
Antti Moisio is currently a Research Director with Government Institute for Economic Research (VATT), in Finland, in charge of research group that focuses on effectiveness of public services.
He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Jyväskylä in Finland with specialisation in local public finance. His research and publishing has focused on local public finance issues, public sector productivity and regional economics. He has contributed to numerous government reports and both national and international committees and working groups. He has also lectured in several universities in Finland and abroad, and as a consultant and adviser for various domestic and international institutions.
Selected Publications:
Moisio, A. & Uusitalo, R. (2013): The impact of municipal mergers on local public expenditures in Finland. Public Finance and Management, Volume 13, Number 3.
Moisio, A. (ed.) (2012): Rethinking local government: Essays on municipal reform. VATT Publications 61.
Moisio, A. (2012): Municipal Partnerships: The Experience of the Nordic Countries, in Bosch, N. and Solé-Olle, A. (ed.) IEB Report on Fiscal Federalism 2011, IEB, Barcelona 2012.
Moisio, A. (2012): Choosing between Regulation and Local Self-government: the Finnish case, in Pedersen, N. – Lotz, J. – Kim, J (eds.): Efficient Instruments for Desired Balance between Decentralization and Merit. Published by the Korea Institute of Public Finance and Danish Ministry of Interior and Health.
Moisio, A. (ed.) (2010): Local public sector in transition: A Nordic perspective. VATT Publications 56, Helsinki.
Kangasharju, A., Moisio, A., Reulier, E., Rocaboy, Y. (2006): Tax competition among municipalities in Finland. Urban Public Economics Review, N.o 5/2006, pp. 13–24.
Moisio, A. (2003): The Flypaper Effect: Evidence from Finnish Municipalities, in Regional Public Finances (ed. Mønnesland, J.). European Research in Regional Science 13, 2003.
Kangasharju, A. & Moisio, A. (1998): Births-Deaths Nexus of Firms: Estimating VAR with Panel Data. Small Business Economics, Dec98, Vol. 11 Issue 4, p303.